⚠️ Warning
This documentation is outdated. Please visit the documentation for TBlock 2.7.0 or later.

Install on Arch Linux

From the AUR

There is an AUR package available for tblock. You can install it using your favourite AUR helper or by cloning the repository locally.

$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/tblock.git tblock
$ cd tblock
$ makepkg -si

A package for tblock-gui is also provided on the AUR.

$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/tblock-gui.git tblock-gui
$ cd tblock-gui
$ makepkg -si

🟢 Tip
The package tblock-gui depends on tblock. You should build and install tblock before trying to build tblock-gui.

Using Chaotic-AUR

TBlock is also packaged on the chaotic-aur third-party repository.

$ sudo pacman -S tblock

❓ What about the GUI?
TBlock GUI is currently not available on the Chaotic AUR repository. You have to install it using the AUR.