⚠️ Warning
This documentation is outdated. Please visit the documentation for TBlock 2.7.0 or later.

Install on Artix Linux

TBlock doesn't directly depend on systemd. However, if you want automatic updates to work correctly, you need an init system. The tblock package uses systemd by default. If you use another init system, you can install the correct package for you system. All of them are available on the AUR.

📝 Note
The package tblock-gui has no direct dependency on any init system. You can install it on any distribution.

OpenRC package

You need to install the package tblock-openrc instead of tblock:

$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/tblock-openrc.git tblock
$ cd tblock
$ makepkg -si

runit package

You need to install the package tblock-runit instead of tblock:

$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/tblock-runit.git tblock
$ cd tblock
$ makepkg -si

dinit package

You need to install the package tblock-dinit instead of tblock:

$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/tblock-dinit.git tblock
$ cd tblock
$ makepkg -si

Other init systems

TBlock currently does not support other init systems. You can install tblock, but you won't be able to have automatic updates. If you want, you can write a system service and open a pull request to get it included in the project. It would be much appreciated.